In a small town in India, Apollena (Appu) dreams of becoming an astronaut, inspired by her father Girdhar and his former mentor, Pallavi Ramakrishnan—a pioneering space researcher whose dreams were crushed by betrayal and false accusations. Raised with a passion for space and science, Appu defies the conservative norms of her society, but her journey is fraught with hurdles. After being coerced into a marriage to save her father, she finds herself in a household that undervalues her ambitions. Yet, her resolve remains firm. Supported by her husband Shlok, who is indifferent at first but gradually comes to appreciate her dedication, Appu faces a heartbreaking choice between the security of love and the pursuit of her dream. This story follows her journey through resilience, love, and the sacrifices demanded by ambition, illuminating the struggles and triumphs of a young woman determined to reach the stars, but at the end must come to the decision of choosing her dream or her love.
Genre: Family Drama
Production Year: 2024
Status: New Release / On Air
Genre: Family Drama